Letter A
Packages beginning with letter "A".
- AGReader - Console reader for viewing AmigaGuide files
- AllegroOGG - Ogg library for use with the Allegro game library
- AllegroOGG-devel - Developmental libraries and include files for AllegroOgg
- a2ps - Converts text and other types of files to PostScript(TM)
- aalib - ASCII art library
- aalib-devel - Development files for aalib
- aasaver - A screensaver for KDE which presents an ASCII aquarium
- abcMIDI - ABC to/from MIDI conversion utilities
- abcde - A Better CD Encoder
- abcm2ps - A program to typeset ABC tunes into Postscript
- abe - Scrolling, platform-jumping, ancient pyramid exploring game
- abicheck - ABI checking tool
- abiword - The AbiWord word processor
- abook - Text-based addressbook program for mutt
- abuse - The classic Crack-Dot-Com game
- abyssinica-fonts - SIL Abyssinica fonts
- ack - Grep-like text finder
- acl - Access control list utilities
- acpi - Command-line ACPI client
- acpitool - A command line ACPI client for Linux
- adaptx - AdaptX XSLT processor and XPath engine
- adaptx-doc - Documentation for adaptx
- adaptx-javadoc - Javadoc for adaptx
- adime - Allegro Dialogs Made Easy
- adime-devel - Development libraries and headers for adime
- adjtimex - A utility for adjusting kernel time variables
- adminutil - Utility library for directory server administration
- adminutil-devel - Development and header files for adminutil
- adns - Advanced, easy to use, asynchronous-capable DNS client library
- adns-devel - Asynchronous-capable DNS client library - development files
- adns-progs - Asynchronous-capable DNS client library - utility programs
- adplay - An AdLib (OPL2) music player build on AdPlug
- adplug - A software library for AdLib (OPL2) emulation
- adplug-devel - Development files for AdPlug
- advancecomp - Recompression utilities for .PNG, .MNG and .ZIP files
- agave - Generate a variety of colorschemes from a single starting color
- aget - Console download accelerator
- agg - Anti-Grain Geometry
- agg-devel - Support files necessary to compile applications with agg
- agistudio - AGI integrated development environment
- agrep - Approximate grep utility
- aiccu - AICCU - SixXS Automatic IPv6 Connectivity Client Utility
- aide - Intrusion detection environment
- aiksaurus - An English-language thesaurus library
- aiksaurus-devel - Files for developing with aiksaurus
- aiksaurus-gtk - A GTK+ frontend to aiksaurus
- aiksaurus-gtk-devel - Files for developing with aiksaurus-gtk
- aircrack-ng - 802.11 (wireless) sniffer and WEP/WPA-PSK key cracker
- akode - Audio-decoding framework
- akode-devel - Headers for developing programs that will use akode
- akode-jack - Jack audio output backend for akode
- akode-libsamplerate - Resampler based on libsamplerate for akode
- akode-pulseaudio - Pulseaudio output backend for akode
- alacarte - Simple menu editor for GNOME
- alchemist - A multi-sourced configuration back-end.
- alchemist-devel - Files needed for developing programs which use alchemist.
- alex4 - Alex the Allegator 4 - Platform game
- alexandria - Book collection manager
- alfont - Font rendering library for the Allegro game library
- alfont-devel - Development files for alfont
- alienblaster - Action-loaded 2D arcade shooter game
- alleggl - OpenGL support library for Allegro
- alleggl-devel - Development files for alleggl
- allegro - A game programming library
- allegro-arts-plugin - Allegro aRts (analog realtime synthesizer) plugin
- allegro-devel - A game programming library
- allegro-esound-plugin - Allegro Enlightened Sound Daemon plugin
- allegro-jack-plugin - Allegro JACK (Jack Audio Connection Kit) plugin
- allegro-tools - Extra tools for the Allegro programming library
- alleyoop - Graphical front-end to the Valgrind memory checker for x86
- alliance - Alliance VLSI CAD Sytem
- alliance-doc - Alliance VLSI CAD Sytem - Documentations
- alltray - Dock any application in the tray
- alphabet-soup - Guide your worm through the soup to spell words
- alpine - UW Alpine mail user agent
- alsa-lib - The Advanced Linux Sound Architecture (ALSA) library
- alsa-lib-devel - Development files from the ALSA library
- alsa-oss - Advanced Linux Sound Architecture (ALSA) wrapper for OSS
- alsa-oss-devel - Headers for ALSA wrapper for OSS
- alsa-oss-libs - ALSA/OSS wrapper libraries
- alsa-plugins-jack - Jack PCM output plugin for ALSA
- alsa-plugins-oss - Oss PCM output plugin for ALSA
- alsa-plugins-pulseaudio - Alsa to PulseAudio backend
- alsa-plugins-samplerate - External rate converter plugin for ALSA
- alsa-plugins-upmix - Upmixer channel expander plugin for ALSA
- alsa-plugins-vdownmix - Downmixer to stereo plugin for ALSA
- alsa-utils - Advanced Linux Sound Architecture (ALSA) utilities
- alsamixergui - GUI mixer for ALSA sound devices
- altermime - Alter MIME-encoded mailpacks
- am-utils - Automount utilities including an updated version of Amd.
- amanda - A network-capable tape backup solution
- amanda-client - The client component of the AMANDA tape backup system.
- amanda-devel - Libraries and documentation of the AMANDA tape backup system.
- amanda-server - The server side of the AMANDA tape backup system.
- amarok - Media player for KDE
- amarok-visualisation - Visualisation plugins for Amarok
- amarokFS - Simple, nice looking full screen front-end for Amarok
- amavisd-new - Email filter with virus scanner and spamassassin support
- amqp - The AMQP specification
- amsn - MSN Messenger clone for Linux, Mac and Windows
- amsn-plugins - Plugins for aMSN
- amtterm - Serial-over-lan (sol) client for Intel AMT
- amtu - Abstract Machine Test Utility (AMTU)
- anaconda - Graphical system installer
- anaconda-runtime - Graphical system installer portions needed only for fresh installs
- anacron - A cron-like program that can run jobs lost during downtime
- and - Auto nice daemon
- angrydd - Falling blocks game
- animorph - 3D Animation and Morph Library
- animorph-devel - Development files for animorph
- ant - Ant build tool for java
- ant-antlr - Optional antlr tasks for ant
- ant-apache-bcel - Optional apache bcel tasks for ant
- ant-apache-bsf - Optional apache bsf tasks for ant
- ant-apache-log4j - Optional apache log4j tasks for ant
- ant-apache-oro - Optional apache oro tasks for ant
- ant-apache-regexp - Optional apache regexp tasks for ant
- ant-apache-resolver - Optional apache resolver tasks for ant
- ant-commons-logging - Optional commons logging tasks for ant
- ant-commons-net - Optional commons net tasks for ant
- ant-contrib - Collection of tasks for Ant
- ant-contrib-javadoc - Javadoc for ant-contrib
- ant-javadoc - Javadoc for ant
- ant-javamail - Optional javamail tasks for ant
- ant-jdepend - Optional jdepend tasks for ant
- ant-jmf - Optional jmf tasks for ant
- ant-jsch - Optional jsch tasks for ant
- ant-junit - Optional junit tasks for ant
- ant-manual - Manual for ant
- ant-nodeps - Optional tasks for ant
- ant-scripts - Additional scripts for ant
- ant-swing - Optional swing tasks for ant
- ant-trax - Optional trax tasks for ant
- anthy - Japanese character set input library
- anthy-devel - Header files and library for developing programs which uses Anthy
- anthy-el - Emacs Lisp files to use Anthy on Emacs
- anthy-el-xemacs - Emacs Lisp files to use Anthy on XEmacs
- antiword - MS Word to ASCII/Postscript converter
- antlr - ANother Tool for Language Recognition
- antlr-javadoc - Javadoc for antlr
- antlr-manual - Manual for antlr
- ants - Guide your ants safely home before they drop of the cliff
- ants-level-editor - Ants level editor
- aoetools - ATA over Ethernet Tools
- apachetop - A top-like display of Apache logs
- apcupsd - APC UPS Power Control Daemon for Linux
- apcupsd-cgi - Web interface for apcupsd
- apcupsd-gui - GUI interface for apcupsd
- apel - A Portable Emacs Library
- apg - Automated Password Generator for random password generation
- aplus-fsf - Advanced APL interpreter with s interface
- aplus-fsf-devel - Header files from the A+ environment
- apollon - Filesharing client
- apollon-libs - apollon runtime libraries
- apr - Apache Portable Runtime library
- apr-api-docs - Apache Portable Runtime API documentation
- apr-devel - APR library development kit
- apr-util - Apache Portable Runtime Utility library
- apr-util-devel - APR utility library development kit
- apr-util-mysql - APR utility library MySQL DBD driver
- apr-util-pgsql - APR utility library PostgreSQL DBD driver
- apr-util-sqlite - APR utility library SQLite DBD driver
- apt - Debian's Advanced Packaging Tool with RPM support
- apt-devel - Development files and documentation for APT's libapt-pkg
- apt-python - Python bindings for libapt-pkg
- aqbanking - A library for online banking functions and financial data import/export
- aqbanking-devel - Development headers for Aqbanking
- aqsis - Open source RenderMan-compliant 3D rendering solution
- aqsis-data - Example content for Aqsis
- aqsis-devel - Development files for Aqsis
- arc - Arc archiver
- archimedes - 2D Quantum Monte Carlo simulator for semiconductor devices
- archivemail - A tool for archiving and compressing old email in mailboxes
- archmage - Extensible reader/decompiler of files in CHM format
- ardour - Multichannel Digital Audio Workstation
- argus - Network transaction audit tool
- argus-clients - Client tools for argus network audit
- aria2 - High speed download utility with resuming and segmented downloading
- arj - Archiver for .arj files
- arm-gp2x-linux-SDL - Cross Compiled SDL Library targeted at arm-gp2x-linux
- arm-gp2x-linux-binutils - Cross Compiling GNU binutils targeted at arm-gp2x-linux
- arm-gp2x-linux-gcc - Cross Compiling GNU GCC targeted at arm-gp2x-linux
- arm-gp2x-linux-gcc-c++ - Cross Compiling GNU G++ targeted at arm-gp2x-linux
- arm-gp2x-linux-glibc - Cross Compiled GNU C Library targeted at arm-gp2x-linux
- arm-gp2x-linux-kernel-headers - Kernel headers for Cross Compiling to arm-gp2x-linux
- arm-gp2x-linux-zlib - Cross Compiled zlib Library targeted at arm-gp2x-linux
- armacycles-ad - A lightcycle game in 3D
- armacycles-ad-dedicated - Dedicated server for Armacycles Advanced
- arp-scan - Scanning and fingerprinting tool
- arptables_jf - Userspace control program for the arptables network filter.
- arpwatch - Network monitoring tools for tracking IP addresses on a network
- arrows - Neat little maze game
- arts - aRts (analog realtime synthesizer) - the KDE sound system
- arts-devel - Development files for the aRts sound server
- artwiz-aleczapka-fonts - Set of (improved) artwiz fonts
- asa - Convert Fortran carriage control characters
- asc - Advanced Strategic Command
- asc-music - Background music for the game asc
- asciidoc - Text based document generation
- asm2 - A code manipulation tool to implement adaptable systems
- asm2-javadoc - Javadoc for asm2
- aspell - A spelling checker
- aspell-af - Afrikaans dictionaries for Aspel
- aspell-ar - Arabic dictionary for Aspell
- aspell-bg - Bulgarian dictionaries for Aspell
- aspell-bn - GNU Aspell Bengali Dictionary Package
- aspell-br - Breton dictionaries for Aspell
- aspell-ca - Catalan dictionaries for Aspell
- aspell-cs - Czech dictionaries for Aspell
- aspell-cy - Welsh dictionaries for Aspell
- aspell-da - Danish dictionaries for Aspell
- aspell-de - German dictionaries for Aspell
- aspell-devel - Static libraries and header files for Aspell development
- aspell-el - Greek dictionaries for Aspell
- aspell-en - English dictionaries for Aspell
- aspell-es - Spanish dictionaries for Aspell
- aspell-fo - Faeroese dictionaries for Aspell
- aspell-fr - French dictionaries for Aspell
- aspell-ga - Irish dictionaries for Aspell
- aspell-gd - Gaelic dictionaries for Aspell
- aspell-gl - Galician dictionaries for Aspell
- aspell-gu - GNU Aspell Gujarati Dictionary Package
- aspell-he - Hebrew dictionary for Aspell
- aspell-hi - GNU Aspell Hindi Dictionary Package
- aspell-hr - Croatian dictionaries for Aspell
- aspell-id - Indonesian dictionaries for Aspell
- aspell-is - Icelandic dictionaries for Aspell
- aspell-it - Italian dictionaries for Aspell
- aspell-mr - GNU Aspell Marathi Dictionary Package
- aspell-nl - Dutch dictionaries for Aspell
- aspell-no - Norwegian dictionaries for Aspell
- aspell-or - GNU Aspell Oriya Dictionary Package
- aspell-pa - GNU Aspell Punjabi Dictionary Package
- aspell-pl - Polish dictionaries for Aspell
- aspell-pt - Portuguese dictionaries for Aspell
- aspell-ru - Russian dictionaries for Aspell
- aspell-sk - Slovak dictionaries for Aspell
- aspell-sl - Slovenian dictionaries for Aspell
- aspell-sr - Serbian dictionaries for Aspell
- aspell-sv - Swedish dictionaries for Aspell
- aspell-ta - GNU Aspell Tamil Dictionary Package
- aspell-te - GNU Aspell Telugu Dictionary Package
- astromenace - Hardcore 3D space shooter with spaceship upgrade possibilities
- astromenace-data - Hardcore 3D space shooter with spaceship upgrade possibilities
- astyle - Source code formatter for C-like programming languages
- asymptote - Descriptive vector graphics language
- at - Job spooling tools
- at-spi - Assistive Technology Service Provider Interface
- at-spi-devel - Development libraries and headers for at-spi
- at-spi-python - Python bindings for at-spi
- atanks - Remake of a classic DOS game "Scorched Earth"
- aterm - Afterstep XVT, VT102 emulator for the X Window system
- atk - Interfaces for accessibility support
- atk-devel - Files necessary to develop applications using ATK
- atlas - Automatically Tuned Linear Algebra Software
- atlas-altivec - ATLAS libraries for AltiVec extensions
- atlas-altivec-devel - Development libraries for ATLAS with AltiVec extensions
- atlas-devel - Development libraries for ATLAS
- atlascpp - WorldForge message protocol library
- atlascpp-devel - Development files for Atlas-C++
- atmel-firmware - Firmware for Atmel at76c50x wireless network chips
- atomix - Little mind game where you have to build molecules out of atoms lying around
- atomorun - Jump&Run game where you have to flee an exploding nuclear bomb
- attr - Utilities for managing filesystem extended attributes
- audacious - A GTK2 based media player similar to xmms
- audacious-devel - Development files for Audacious
- audacious-docklet - A docklet plugin for Audacious
- audacious-libs - Library files for Audacious
- audacious-plugin-fc - Future Composer input plugin for Audacious
- audacious-plugins - Plugins for the Audacious media player
- audacious-plugins-amidi - Audacious imput plugin for amidi
- audacious-plugins-arts - Audacious output plugin for KDE arts sound service
- audacious-plugins-esd - Audacious output plugin for esd sound service
- audacious-plugins-jack - Audacious output plugin for JACK sound service
- audacious-plugins-metronome - Audacious imput plugin simulating a metronome
- audacious-plugins-pulseaudio - Audacious output plugin for PulseAudio
- audacious-plugins-vortex - Audacious imput plugin for vortex audio files
- audacious-plugins-wavpack - Audacious imput plugin for wavpack
- audacity - A multitrack audio editor
- audio-convert-mod - A simple audio file converter supporting many formats
- audio-entropyd - Generate entropy from audio output
- audiofile - A library for accessing various audio file formats
- audiofile-devel - Development files for Audio File applications
- audit - User space tools for 2.6 kernel auditing
- audit-libs - Dynamic library for libaudit
- audit-libs-devel - Header files and static library for libaudit
- audit-libs-python - Python bindings for libaudit
- aumix - Audio mixer based on ncurses
- auriferous - Game inspired by the classic Loderunner
- authconfig - Command line tool for setting up authentication from network services
- authconfig-gtk - Graphical tool for setting up authentication from network services
- authd - A RFC 1413 ident protocol daemon
- autobuild-applet - Panel applet for indication of Test-AutoBuild status
- autoconf - A GNU tool for automatically configuring source code
- autoconf213 - A GNU tool for automatically configuring source code
- autodir - Creates user directories on demand
- autodownloader - GUI-tool to automate the download of certain files
- autofs - A tool for automatically mounting and unmounting filesystems
- automake - A GNU tool for automatically creating Makefiles
- automake14 - A GNU tool for automatically creating Makefiles
- automake15 - A GNU tool for automatically creating Makefiles
- automake16 - A GNU tool for automatically creating Makefiles
- automake17 - A GNU tool for automatically creating Makefiles
- autossh - Utility to autorestart SSH tunnels
- autotrace - Utility for converting bitmaps to vector graphics
- autotrace-devel - Header files and static libraries for autotrace
- avahi - Local network service discovery
- avahi-autoipd - Link-local IPv4 address automatic configuration daemon (IPv4LL)
- avahi-compat-howl - Libraries for howl compatibility
- avahi-compat-howl-devel - Header files for development with the howl compatibility libraries
- avahi-compat-libdns_sd - Libraries for Apple Bonjour mDNSResponder compatibility
- avahi-compat-libdns_sd-devel - Header files for the Apple Bonjour mDNSResponder compatibility libraries
- avahi-devel - Libraries and header files for avahi development
- avahi-dnsconfd - Configure local unicast DNS settings based on information published in mDNS
- avahi-glib - Glib libraries for avahi
- avahi-glib-devel - Libraries and header files for avahi glib development
- avahi-qt3 - Qt3 libraries for avahi
- avahi-qt3-devel - Libraries and header files for avahi Qt3 development
- avahi-tools - Command line tools for mDNS browsing and publishing
- avahi-ui - Gtk user interface library for Avahi
- avahi-ui-devel - Libraries and header files for Avahi UI development
- avahi-ui-tools - UI tools for mDNS browsing
- avalon-framework - Java components interfaces
- avalon-framework-javadoc - Javadoc for avalon-framework
- avalon-framework-manual - Manual for avalon-framework
- avalon-logkit - Java logging toolkit
- avalon-logkit-javadoc - Javadoc for avalon-logkit
- avant-window-navigator - Fully customisable dock-like window navigator for GNOME
- avarice - Program for interfacing the Atmel JTAG ICE to GDB
- avr-binutils - Cross Compiling GNU binutils targeted at avr
- avr-gcc - Cross Compiling GNU GCC targeted at avr
- avr-gcc-c++ - Cross Compiling GNU GCC targeted at avr
- avr-gdb - GDB for (remote) debugging avr binaries
- avr-libc - C library for use with GCC on Atmel AVR microcontrollers
- avr-libc-docs - AVR C library docs in html and pdf format
- avrdude - Software for programming Atmel AVR Microcontroller
- awstats - Advanced Web Statistics
- awstats-selinux - SELinux support for Awstats
- axis - A SOAP implementation in Java
- axis-javadoc - Javadoc for axis
- axis-manual - Manual for axis
- azureus - A BitTorrent Client