Letter S
Packages beginning with letter "S".
- SDL - A cross-platform multimedia library
- SDL-devel - Files needed to develop Simple DirectMedia Layer applications.
- SDL_Pango - Rendering of internationalized text for SDL (Simple DirectMedia Layer)
- SDL_Pango-devel - Development files for SDL_pango
- SDL_gfx - Graphic primitives, rotozoomer, framerate control and image filters
- SDL_gfx-devel - Header files and static libraries for SDL_gfx
- SDL_image - Image loading library for SDL
- SDL_image-devel - Development files for SDL_image
- SDL_mixer - Simple DirectMedia Layer - Sample Mixer Library
- SDL_mixer-devel - Development files for SDL_mixer
- SDL_net - SDL portable network library
- SDL_net-devel - Development files for SDL_net
- SDL_ttf - Simple DirectMedia Layer TrueType Font library
- SDL_ttf-devel - Development files for SDL_ttf
- SDLmm - C++ interface for the popular SDL library
- SDLmm-devel - Headers for developing programs that will use SDLmm
- SIBsim4 - Align expressed RNA sequences on a DNA template
- SILLY - Simple and easy to use library for image loading
- SILLY-devel - Development files for SILLY
- SIMVoleon - Volume rendering library for Coin
- SIMVoleon-devel - Development files for SIMVoleon
- SOAPpy - Full-featured SOAP library for Python
- ScientificPython - A collection of Python modules that are useful for scientific computing
- ScientificPython-devel - The development files for ScientificPython
- ScientificPython-doc - Documentation and examples for ScientificPython
- ScientificPython-qt - The Qt widgets from ScientificPython
- ScientificPython-tk - The tk widgets from ScientificPython
- SimGear - Simulation library components
- SimGear-devel - Development libraries and headers for SimGear
- SoQt - High-level 3D visualization library
- SoQt-devel - Development files for SoQt
- Sprog - A graphical tool to build programs by plugging parts together
- SteGUI - Graphical front-end to Steghide
- s3switch - Manage the output device on S3 Savage chips
- sabayon - Tool to maintain user profiles in a GNOME desktop
- sabayon-apply - The parts of sabayon needed on the client systems
- sage - OpenGL extensions library using SDL
- sage-devel - Development files for sage
- samba - The Samba Suite of programs
- samba-client - Samba client programs
- samba-common - Files used by both Samba servers and clients
- samba-doc - Documentation for the Samba suite
- samba-swat - The Samba SMB server Web configuration program
- sane-backends - Scanner access software
- sane-backends-devel - SANE development toolkit
- sane-backends-libs - SANE libraries
- sane-frontends - Graphical frontend to SANE
- saxon - Java XSLT processor
- saxon-aelfred - Java XML parser
- saxon-demo - Demos for saxon
- saxon-javadoc - Javadoc for saxon
- saxon-jdom - JDOM support for saxon
- saxon-manual - Manual for saxon
- saxon-scripts - Utility scripts for saxon
- sazanami-fonts-gothic - Sazanami Gothic Japanese TrueType font
- sazanami-fonts-mincho - Sazanami Mincho Japanese TrueType font
- sbcl - Steel Bank Common Lisp
- sblim-cmpi-base - SBLIM Base Providers
- sblim-cmpi-base-devel - SBLIM Base Instrumentation Header Development Files
- sblim-cmpi-base-test - SBLIM Base Instrumentation Testcase Files
- sblim-cmpi-devel - SBLIM CMPI Provider Development Support
- sblim-testsuite - SBLIM testsuite
- sblim-wbemcli - SBLIM WBEM Command Line Interface
- scalapack - A subset of LAPACK routines redesigned for heterogenous computing
- scalapack-devel - Development libraries for scalapack
- scanbuttond - Scanner Button tools to SANE
- scanssh - Fast SSH server and open proxy scanner
- schedtool - Tool to query or alter process scheduling policy
- schismtracker - Sound module composer/player
- schroedinger - Portable libraries for the high quality Dirac video codec
- schroedinger-devel - Development files for schrodinger
- scigraphica - Scientific application for data analysis and technical graphics
- scim - Smart Common Input Method platform
- scim-anthy - SCIM IMEngine for anthy for Japanese input
- scim-array - SCIM Array 30 Input Method Engine
- scim-bridge - SCIM Bridge Gtk IM module
- scim-bridge-gtk - SCIM Bridge Gtk IM module
- scim-bridge-qt - SCIM Bridge Qt IM module
- scim-bridge-qt4 - SCIM Bridge Qt4 IM module
- scim-chewing - Chewing Chinese input method for SCIM
- scim-devel - Smart Common Input Method platform
- scim-doc - Smart Common Input Method platform documentation
- scim-fcitx - FCITX Input Method Engine for SCIM
- scim-fcitx-tools - Fcitx tables tools
- scim-gtk - Smart Common Input Method Gtk IM module
- scim-hangul - Hangul Input Method Engine for SCIM
- scim-input-pad - On-screen Input Pad for SCIM
- scim-lang-assamese - SCIM meta package for Assamese support
- scim-lang-bengali - SCIM meta package for Bengali support
- scim-lang-chinese - SCIM meta package for Chinese support
- scim-lang-dhivehi - SCIM meta package for Dhivehi support
- scim-lang-farsi - SCIM meta package for Farsi support
- scim-lang-gujarati - SCIM meta package for Gujarati support
- scim-lang-hindi - SCIM meta package for Hindi support
- scim-lang-japanese - SCIM meta package for Japanese support
- scim-lang-kannada - SCIM meta package for Kannada support
- scim-lang-korean - SCIM meta package for Korean support
- scim-lang-latin - SCIM meta package for Latin support
- scim-lang-malayalam - SCIM meta package for Malayalam support
- scim-lang-marathi - SCIM meta package for Marathi support
- scim-lang-nepali - SCIM meta package for Nepali support
- scim-lang-oriya - SCIM meta package for Oriya support
- scim-lang-punjabi - SCIM meta package for Punjabi support
- scim-lang-sinhalese - SCIM meta package for Sinhalese support
- scim-lang-tamil - SCIM meta package for Tamil support
- scim-lang-telugu - SCIM meta package for Telugu support
- scim-lang-thai - SCIM meta package for Thai support
- scim-lang-tibetan - SCIM meta package for Tibetan support
- scim-libs - Smart Common Input Method libraries
- scim-m17n - SCIM IMEngine for m17n-lib
- scim-pinyin - Smart Pinyin IMEngine for Smart Common Input Method platform
- scim-python - Python wrapper for Smart Common Input Method platform
- scim-python-english - Python english IM engine
- scim-qtimm - SCIM input method module for Qt
- scim-rawcode - SCIM Unicode Input Method Engine
- scim-sinhala - Sri Lankan input method for SCIM
- scim-skk - SCIM IMEngine module for skk
- scim-tables - SCIM Generic Table IMEngine
- scim-tables-additional - Other miscellaneous SCIM tables
- scim-tables-amharic - SCIM tables for Amharic
- scim-tables-arabic - SCIM tables for Arabic
- scim-tables-chinese - SCIM tables for Chinese
- scim-tables-nepali - SCIM tables for Nepali
- scim-tables-russian - SCIM tables for Russian
- scim-tables-thai - SCIM tables for Thai
- scim-tables-vietnamese - SCIM tables for Vietnamese
- scim-tomoe - Tomoe module for SCIM for Japanese handwritten input
- scipy - Scipy: Scientific Tools for Python
- scite - SCIntilla based GTK2 text editor
- scmxx - Exchange data with Siemens mobile phones
- scons - An Open Source software construction tool
- scorched3d - Game based loosely on the classic DOS game Scorched Earth
- scorchwentbonkers - Realtime remake of Scorched Earth
- scponly - Restricted shell for ssh based file services
- scratchpad - Spatial text editor for the GNOME desktop
- screen - A screen manager that supports multiple logins on one terminal
- scribes - A sleek, simple, and powerful text editor for the GNOME desktop
- scribes-templates - Templates ("Snippets") for the Scribes text editor
- scribus - DeskTop Publishing application written in Qt
- scribus-devel - Header files for Scribus
- scrip - Spherical Coordinate Remapping and Interpolation Package (SCRIP)
- scrot - Screen-shot capture using Imlib 2
- scrub - Disk scrubbing program
- scsi-target-utils - The SCSI target daemon and utility programs
- scummvm - Interpreter for several adventure games
- sdcc - Small Device C Compiler
- sdcc-libc-sources - Small Device C Compiler
- sdljava - Java binding to the SDL API
- sdljava-demo - Some examples for sdljava
- sdljava-javadoc - Javadoc for sdljava
- sdparm - List or change SCSI/SATA disk parameters
- seahorse - GNOME2 interface for gnupg
- seahorse-adventures - Help barbie the seahorse float on bubbles to the moon
- seamonkey - Web browser, e-mail, news, IRC client, HTML editor
- sear - 3D WorldForge client
- sear-media - Media files for the sear worldforge client
- seaview - Graphical multiple sequence alignment editor
- sec - SEC (simple event correlator)
- sed - A GNU stream text editor
- seedit - SELinux Policy Editor:Core component
- seedit-gui - GUI for SELinux Policy Editor
- seedit-policy - SELinux Policy Editor: Sample simplified policy
- selinux-doc - SELinux documentation
- selinux-policy - SELinux policy configuration
- selinux-policy-devel - SELinux policy development
- selinux-policy-mls - SELinux mls base policy
- selinux-policy-targeted - SELinux targeted base policy
- sendmail - A widely used Mail Transport Agent (MTA)
- sendmail-cf - The files needed to reconfigure Sendmail
- sendmail-devel - Extra development include files and development files
- sendmail-doc - Documentation about the Sendmail Mail Transport Agent program
- sepostgresql - Security Enhanced PostgreSQL
- seq24 - Real-time midi sequencer
- ser - SIP Express Router
- ser-mysql - MySQL Storage Support for the SIP Express Router
- ser-postgresql - PostgreSQL Storage Support for the SIP Express Router
- ser-serweb - Web interface for ser user self-provisioning and administration
- ser2net - Proxy that allows tcp connections to serial ports
- sergueis-destiny - Serguei's Destiny, an AGI adventure game
- serpentine - Audio CD Burner
- setools - Policy analysis tools for SELinux
- setools-console - Policy analysis command-line tools for SELinux
- setools-devel - Policy analysis development files for SELinux
- setools-gui - Policy analysis graphical tools for SELinux
- setools-libs - Policy analysis support libraries for SELinux
- setools-libs-java - Java bindings for SELinux policy analysis
- setools-libs-python - Python bindings for SELinux policy analysis
- setools-libs-tcl - Tcl bindings for SELinux policy analysis
- setroubleshoot - Helps troubleshoot SELinux problems
- setroubleshoot-plugins - Analysis plugins for use with setroubleshoot
- setroubleshoot-server - SELinux troubleshoot server
- setserial - A utility for configuring serial ports
- setup - A set of system configuration and setup files.
- setuptool - A text mode system configuration tool
- sextractor - Extract catalogs of sources from astronomical images
- sg3_utils - Utilities for devices that use SCSI command sets
- sg3_utils-devel - Static library and header files for the sgutils library
- sg3_utils-libs - Shared library for sg3_utils
- sgml-common - Common SGML catalog and DTD files
- shadow-utils - Utilities for managing accounts and shadow password files
- shapelib - API in "C" for Shapefile handling
- shapelib-devel - Development files for shapelib
- shared-mime-info - Shared MIME information database
- sharutils - The GNU shar utilities for packaging and unpackaging shell archives.
- shippy - Space invaders / Galaxians like game with powerups
- shippy-allegro - Shippy1984 Allegro version
- shippy-common - Shippy1984 common files
- shorewall - Iptables-based firewall for Linux systems
- showimg - Feature-rich image viewer for KDE
- showimg-mysql - MySQL plugin for the Showimg image database
- showimg-pgsql - PostgreSQL plugin for the Showimg image database
- siege - Siege is an http regression testing and benchmarking utility
- sinjdoc - Documentation generator for Java source code
- sip - SIP - Python/C++ Bindings Generator
- sip-devel - Files needed to generate Python bindings for any C++ class library
- sipp - SIP test tool / traffic generator
- sipsak - SIP swiss army knife
- sirius - Reversi game for Gnome
- six - Hex playing program
- sjasm - A z80 cross assembler
- skencil - Vector drawing program
- skkdic - Dictionaries for SKK (Simple Kana-Kanji conversion program)
- skstream - C++ I/O library for WorldForge clients/servers
- skstream-devel - Development files for skstream
- slang - The shared library for the S-Lang extension language
- slang-devel - Development files for the S-Lang extension language
- slang-slsh - Interpreter for S-Lang scripts
- slang-static - The static library for the S-Lang extension language
- slib - Platform independent library for scheme
- slim - Simple Login Manager
- slingshot - A Newtonian strategy game
- sloccount - Measures source lines of code (SLOC) in programs
- slrn - A threaded Internet news reader
- slrn-pull - Offline news reading support for the SLRN news reader
- smart - Next generation package handling tool
- smart-gui - Graphical user interface for the smart package manager
- smart-update - Allows execution of 'smart update' by normal users (suid)
- smarteiffel - The GNU Eiffel Compiler and Libraries
- smarteiffel-doc - Documentation for SmartEiffel
- smartmontools - Tools for monitoring SMART capable hard disks
- smartmontools-config - The smartmontools configuration script
- smashteroid - Astrosmash Remake
- smb4k - The SMB/CIFS Share Browser for KDE
- smb4k-devel - Development files for smb4k
- smbldap-tools - User and group administration tools for Samba/OpenLDAP
- smolt - Fedora hardware profiler
- smolt-firstboot - Fedora hardware profile firstboot
- smolt-gui - Fedora hardware profiler gui
- smolt-server - Fedora hardware profiler server
- snort - Intrusion detection system
- snort-bloat - Snort with Flexible Response
- snort-mysql - Snort with Flexible Response
- snort-mysql+flexresp - Snort with Flexible Response
- snort-plain+flexresp - Snort with Flexible Response
- snort-postgresql - Snort with Flexible Response
- snort-postgresql+flexresp - Snort with Flexible Response
- snort-snmp - Snort with Flexible Response
- snort-snmp+flexresp - Snort with Flexible Response
- snownews - A text mode RSS/RDF newsreader
- sobby - Standalone obby server
- socat - Bidirectional data relay between two data channels ('netcat++')
- sofia-sip - Sofia SIP User-Agent library
- sofia-sip-devel - Sofia-SIP Development Package
- sofia-sip-glib - Glib bindings for Sofia-SIP
- sofia-sip-glib-devel - Glib bindings for Sofia SIP development files
- sofia-sip-utils - Sofia-SIP Command Line Utilities
- sofsip-cli - SIP VoIP/IM example client
- solarwolf - A Python port of SolarFox
- solfege - Music education software
- sonata - An elegant GTK+ client for the Music Player Daemon (MPD)
- soprano - Qt wrapper API to different RDF storage solutions
- soprano-devel - Developer files for soprano
- sopwith - SDL port of the sopwith game
- sos - A set of tools to gather troubleshooting information from a system
- sound-juicer - Clean and lean CD ripper
- soundconverter - A simple sound converter application for GNOME
- soundtouch - Audio Processing library for changing Tempo, Pitch and Playback Rates
- soundtouch-devel - Libraries, includes, etc to develop soundtouch applications
- soundtracker - Sound module composer/player
- source-highlight - Produces a document with syntax highlighting
- sox - A general purpose sound file conversion tool
- sox-devel - The SoX sound file format converter libraries.
- spamass-milter - Sendmail milter for spamassassin
- spamassassin - Spam filter for email which can be invoked from mail delivery agents.
- spambayes - Bayesian anti-spam filter
- spampd - Transparent SMTP/LMTP proxy filter using spamassassin
- spandsp - A DSP library for telephony
- spandsp-devel - SpanDSP development files
- sparse - A semantic parser of source files
- sparse-devel - Build environment for sparse-enabled apps
- specspo - Fedora package descriptions, summaries, and groups.
- specto - An desktop application that will watch configurable events
- speedcrunch - A fast power user calculator for KDE
- speex - A voice compression format (codec)
- speex-devel - Development package for speex
- spicctrl - Sony Vaio laptop SPIC control program
- splint - An implementation of the lint program
- spr - Library for categorization of data
- spr-devel - Development files for the Stat Pattern Recognition code
- sqlgrey - Postfix grey-listing policy service
- sqlite - Library that implements an embeddable SQL database engine
- sqlite-devel - Development tools for the sqlite3 embeddable SQL database engine.
- sqlite-tcl - Tcl module for the sqlite3 embeddable SQL database engine.
- squashfs-tools - Utility for the creation of squashfs filesystems
- squid - The Squid proxy caching server
- squidGuard - Filter, redirector and access controller plugin for squid
- squirrelmail - SquirrelMail webmail client
- srecord - Manipulate EPROM load files
- ss5 - Socks Server 5
- sshfp - Generate SSHFP DNS records from knownhosts files or ssh-keyscan
- ssmtp - Extremely simple MTA to get mail off the system to a Mailhub
- ssss - Shamir's secret sharing scheme
- star - An archiving tool with ACL support
- stardict - A powerful dictionary platform written in GTK+2
- stardict-dic-en - English(en) dictionaries for StarDict
- stardict-dic-ja - Japanese(ja) dictionaries for StarDict
- stardict-dic-ru - Russian(ru) dictionaries for StarDict
- stardict-dic-zh_CN - Simplified Chinese(zh_CN) dictionaries for StarDict
- stardict-dic-zh_TW - Traditional Chinese(zh_TW) dictionaries for StarDict
- starfighter - Project: Starfighter, a space arcade game
- startup-notification - Library for tracking application startup
- startup-notification-devel - Development portions of startup-notification
- statgrab-tools - Tools from libstatgrab to monitoring the system
- statserial - A tool which displays the status of serial port modem lines
- steghide - A steganography program
- stellarium - Photo-realistic nightsky renderer
- stellarium-doc - The user guide about Stellarium
- stgit - StGIT provides similar functionality to Quilt on top of GIT
- stonith - Provides an interface to Shoot The Other Node In The Head
- stormbaancoureur - Simulated obstacle course for automobiles
- stow - Manage the installation of software packages from source
- strace - Tracks and displays system calls associated with a running process
- stratagus - Real-time strategy gaming engine
- straw - Desktop news aggregator
- streamtuner - A stream directory browser
- streamtuner-devel - Development files for streamtuner
- strigi - A desktop search program for KDE
- strigi-devel - Development files for the strigi desktop search engine
- strigi-libs - Strigi libraries
- stripesnoop - Magnetic Stripe Reader
- struts - Web application framework
- struts-javadoc - Javadoc for struts
- struts-manual - Manual for struts
- struts-webapps-tomcat5 - Sample struts webapps for tomcat5
- stunnel - An SSL-encrypting socket wrapper
- sub2srt - Convert files in .sub format to .srt
- subcommander - Graphical UI for subversion
- subversion - Modern Version Control System designed to replace CVS
- subversion-api-docs - Subversion API documentation
- subversion-devel - Development package for the Subversion libraries
- subversion-javahl - JNI bindings to the Subversion libraries
- subversion-perl - Perl bindings to the Subversion libraries
- subversion-ruby - Ruby bindings to the Subversion libraries
- suck - Download news from remote NNTP server
- sudo - Allows restricted root access for specified users
- suitesparse - A collection of sparse matrix libraries
- suitesparse-devel - Development headers for SuiteSparse
- suitesparse-static - Static version of SuiteSparse libraries
- sundials - Suite of nonlinear solvers
- sundials-devel - Suite of nonlinear solvers (developer files)
- sundials-doc - Suite of nonlinear solvers (documentation)
- sundials-static - Suite of nonlinear solvers (static libraries)
- sunifdef - A commandline tool for simplifying the preprocessor conditionals in source code
- superiotool - Simple program for detecting Super I/O on your mainboard
- supertux - Jump'n run like game similar to Mario Bros
- supertuxkart - Kids 3D go-kart racing game featuring Tux
- supervisor - A System for Allowing the Control of Process State on UNIX
- surfraw - Shell Users Revolutionary Front Rage Against the Web
- svgalib - Low-level fullscreen SVGA graphics library
- svgalib-devel - Development tools for the SVGAlib graphics library
- svn2cl - Create a ChangeLog from a Subversion log
- svncpp - C++ bindings for the Subversion client library
- svncpp-devel - Development resources for the 'svncpp' library
- svnkit - Pure Java Subversion client library
- svnkit-javadoc - Javadoc for SVNKit
- svnmailer - Tool to post subversion repository commit information
- svnmailer-doc - Developer and API documentation for svnmailer
- svrcore - Secure PIN handling using NSS crypto
- svrcore-devel - Development files for secure PIN handling using NSS crypto
- swaks - Command-line SMTP transaction tester
- swatch - Tool for actively monitoring log files
- sweep - An audio editor and live playback tool
- sweep-devel - Development files for Sweep
- swig - Connects C/C++/Objective C to some high-level programming languages.
- switchdesk - A desktop environment switcher for GNOME, KDE and AnotherLevel.
- switchdesk-gui - A graphical interface for the Desktop Switcher.
- sword - Free Bible Software Project
- sword-devel - Development files for the sword project
- syck - YAML for C, Python, and PHP
- syck-devel - Static libraries and headers for developing with Syck
- syck-php - YAML module for php
- syck-python - YAML module for python
- sylpheed - GTK+ based, lightweight, and fast email client
- symlinks - A utility which maintains a system's symbolic links
- synaptic - Graphical frontend for APT package manager.
- synaptics - Synaptics Touchpad Driver
- synce-gnomevfs - Gnome-vfs module for synce
- synce-kde - Connection service application for Pocket PC handhelds
- synce-kde-devel - Development libraries and header files for synce-kde
- synce-serial - Serial connection support for Pocket PC devices
- synce-software-manager - Software manager for use with synce
- synce-trayicon - Tray icon for use with gnome and synce
- syncevolution - SyncML client for evolution
- synergy - Mouse and keyboard sharing utility
- sysconftool - Macros for aclocal to install configuration files
- sysfsutils - sysfsutils and library interface to sysfs
- syslinux - Simple kernel loader which boots from a FAT filesystem
- syslog-ng - Syslog replacement daemon
- sysprof - Sysprof is a sampling CPU profiler
- sysreport - Gathers system hardware and configuration information.
- sysstat - The sar and iostat system monitoring commands
- system-config-audit - Utility for editing audit configuration
- system-config-bind - BIND DNS Configuration Tool.
- system-config-boot - A graphical interface for configuring the boot loader
- system-config-cluster - system-config-cluster is a utility which allows you to manage cluster configuration in a graphical setting.
- system-config-date - A graphical interface for modifying system date and time
- system-config-display - A graphical interface for configuring the X Window System display
- system-config-firewall - A graphical interface for basic firewall setup
- system-config-firewall-tui - A text interface for basic firewall setup
- system-config-httpd - Apache configuration tool
- system-config-keyboard - A graphical interface for modifying the keyboard
- system-config-kickstart - A graphical interface for making kickstart files
- system-config-language - A graphical interface for modifying the system language
- system-config-lvm - A utility for graphically configuring Logical Volumes.
- system-config-netboot - system-config-netboot is an network booting/install configuration utility
- system-config-network - The GUI of the Network Adminstration Tool
- system-config-network-tui - The NEtwork Adminstration Tool
- system-config-nfs - NFS server configuration tool
- system-config-printer - A printer administration tool
- system-config-printer-libs - Common code for the graphical and non-graphical pieces
- system-config-rootpassword - A graphical interface for modifying the rootpassword
- system-config-samba - Samba server configuration tool
- system-config-services - system-config-services is an initscript and xinetd configuration utility
- system-config-soundcard - A graphical interface for detecting and configuring soundcards
- system-config-users - A graphical interface for administering users and groups
- system-config-vsftpd - A graphical interface for administering vsftpd server
- system-switch-java - A tool for changing the default Java toolset
- system-switch-mail - The Mail Transport Agent Switcher
- system-switch-mail-gnome - A GUI interface for Mail Transport Agent Switcher.
- systemtap - Instrumentation System
- systemtap-runtime - Instrumentation System Runtime
- sysvinit - Programs which control basic system processes