Jump to letter: [
Field3D -
Library for storing voxel data
OpenColorIO -
Enables color transforms and image display across graphics apps
OpenGTL -
Graphics Transformation Languages
PackageKit -
Package management service
PackageKit-Qt -
Qt support library for PackageKit
PyQt4 -
Python bindings for Qt4
adobe-source-sans-pro-fonts -
A set of OpenType fonts designed for user interfaces
akonadi -
PIM Storage Service
albatross -
Desktop Suite for Xfce, GTK+ 2 and 3
amarok -
Media player
analitza -
Library of mathematical features
ant -
Build tool for java
apache-commons-discovery -
Apache Commons Discovery
apache-commons-el -
The Apache Commons Extension Language
apache-commons-io -
Utilities to assist with developing IO functionality
apache-commons-logging -
Apache Commons Logging
apache-commons-net -
Internet protocol suite Java library
apper -
KDE interface for PackageKit
appmenu-qt -
Global application menu to Qt
ark -
Archive manager
atinject -
Dependency injection specification for Java (JSR-330)
audiocd-kio -
Audiocd kio slave
avahi -
Local network service discovery
bash-completion -
Programmable completion for Bash
batik -
Scalable Vector Graphics for Java
bcel -
Byte Code Engineering Library
bijiben -
Simple Note Viewer
blinken -
Memory Enhancement Game
bluebird -
A clean minimalistic theme for Xfce, GTK+ 2 and 3
bluedevil -
Bluetooth stack for KDE
bomber -
Arcade bombing game
bovo -
Five in a row game
cal10n -
Compiler assisted localization library (CAL10N)
calligra -
An integrated office suite
calligra-l10n -
Language files for calligra
campivisivi-titillium-fonts -
Sans-serif typeface designed inside Campi Visivi's Type Design course
cantor -
KDE Frontend to Mathematical Software
caribou -
A simplified in-place on-screen keyboard
cinnamon -
Window management and application launching for GNOME
cinnamon-control-center -
Utilities to configure the Cinnamon desktop
cinnamon-desktop -
Shared code among cinnamon-session, nemo, etc
cinnamon-screensaver -
Cinnamon Screensaver
cinnamon-translations -
Translations for Cinnamon and Nemo
clutter-gst2 -
GStreamer integration for Clutter
cmyktool -
GUI utility to manage color profiles & convert from RGB to CMYK
colord -
Color daemon
colord-gtk -
GTK support library for colord
colord-kde -
Colord support for KDE
control-center -
Utilities to configure the GNOME desktop
ctan-cm-lgc-fonts -
CM-LGC Type1 fonts
ctan-kerkis-fonts -
Kerkis Type 1 fonts
dbus-python -
D-Bus Python Bindings
desktop-backgrounds -
Desktop backgrounds
digikam -
A digital camera accessing & photo management application
dleyna-connector-dbus -
D-Bus connector for dLeyna services
dleyna-core -
Utilities for higher level dLeyna libraries
dleyna-renderer -
Service for interacting with Digital Media Renderers
doxygen -
A documentation system for C/C++
dragon -
Media player
drehatlas-widelands-fonts -
A Latin typeface inspired by feudal calligraphy
easymock -
Easy mock objects
eclipse-ecf -
Eclipse Communication Framework
eclipse-linuxtools -
Linux specific Eclipse plugins
elementary -
Basic widget set that is easy to use based on EFL
embryo -
Shared libraries for Enlightenment
empathy -
Instant Messaging Client for GNOME
enlightenment -
Enlightenment window manager
farstream -
Libraries for videoconferencing
farstream02 -
Libraries for videoconferencing
fedora-release-notes -
Release Notes
felix-bundlerepository -
Bundle repository service
felix-gogo-runtime -
Community OSGi R4 Service Platform Implementation - Basic Commands
felix-osgi-obr -
Felix OSGi OBR Service API
five-or-more -
GNOME "Five or More" game
flickcurl -
C library for the Flickr API
four-in-a-row -
GNOME Four-in-a-row game
freerdp -
Remote Desktop Protocol client
geoclue2 -
Geolocation service
geocode-glib -
Geocoding helper library
geronimo-annotation -
Java EE: Annotation API v1.1
ghc -
Glasgow Haskell Compiler
ghc-X11 -
Haskell binding to the X11 graphics library
ghc-data-default -
A class for types with a default value
ghc-dlist -
Haskell differences lists
ghc-extensible-exceptions -
Extensible exceptions
ghc-utf8-string -
Support for reading and writing UTF8 Strings
gl-manpages -
OpenGL manpages
glade -
User Interface Designer for GTK+
glassfish-el-api -
Expression Language API 2.2.4
glassfish-jsp-api -
Glassfish J2EE JSP API specification
glassfish-servlet-api -
Java Servlet API
gnome-chess -
GNOME Chess game
gnome-clocks -
Clock application designed for GNOME 3
gnome-contacts -
Contacts manager for GNOME
gnome-documents -
A document manager application for GNOME
gnome-epub-thumbnailer -
Thumbnailers for EPub and MOBI books
gnome-initial-setup -
Bootstrapping your OS
gnome-klotski -
GNOME Klotski game
gnome-mahjongg -
GNOME Mahjongg game
gnome-maps -
Map application for GNOME
gnome-mines -
GNOME Mines Sweeper game
gnome-nibbles -
GNOME Nibbles game
gnome-online-miners -
Crawls through your online content
gnome-photos -
Access, organize and share your photos on GNOME
gnome-robots -
GNOME Robots game
gnome-sudoku -
GNOME Sudoku game
gnome-tetravex -
GNOME Tetravex game
gnome-weather -
A weather application for GNOME
gnumeric -
Spreadsheet program for GNOME
goffice -
G Office support libraries
gpick -
Advanced color picker
granatier -
Place bombs to kill enemies and remove obstacles
greybird -
A clean minimalistic theme for Xfce, GTK+ 2 and 3
gstreamer1 -
GStreamer streaming media framework runtime
gstreamer1-plugins-bad-free -
GStreamer streaming media framework "bad" plugins
gstreamer1-plugins-base -
GStreamer streaming media framework base plugins
gstreamer1-plugins-good -
GStreamer plugins with good code and licensing
guava -
Google Core Libraries for Java
gwenview -
An image viewer
harfbuzz -
Text shaping library
hddtemp -
Hard disk temperature tool
heisenbug-kde-theme -
Heisenbug KDE Theme
herqq -
A software library for building UPnP devices and control points
ht-alegreya-fonts -
A Serif typeface originally intended for literature
iagno -
GNOME Reversi game
impallari-lobster-fonts -
Hand written font with various ligatures for better connecting of letters
iris -
A library for working with the XMPP/Jabber protocol
isorelax -
Public interfaces for RELAX Core
java_cup -
Java source interpreter
javamail -
Java Mail API
javapackages-tools -
Macros and scripts for Java packaging support
jaxen -
An XPath engine written in Java
jetty -
Java Webserver and Servlet Container
jovie -
Text to speech support
jzlib -
Re-implementation of zlib in pure Java
k3b -
CD/DVD/Blu-ray burning application
kaccessible -
An accessibility bridge plugin
kactivities -
API for using and interacting with Activities
kajongg -
Classical Mah Jongg game for four players
kalgebra -
2D and 3D Graph Calculator
kalzium -
Periodic Table of Elements
kamera -
Digital camera support for KDE
kanagram -
Letter Order Game
kapman -
A collecting game
kate -
Advanced Text Editor
katomic -
An educational game built around molecular geometry
kblackbox -
A game of hide and seek played on a grid of boxes
kblocks -
A classic falling blocks game
kbounce -
Ball bouncing game
kbreakout -
Destroy bricks with a ball
kbruch -
Practice Fractions
kcalc -
Scientific Calculator
kcharselect -
Character selector
kcm-gtk -
Configure the appearance of GTK apps in KDE
kcolorchooser -
A color chooser
kde-baseapps -
KDE Core Applications
kde-l10n -
Internationalization support for KDE
kde-plasma-nm -
Plasma applet written in QML for managing network connections
kde-print-manager -
Printer management for KDE
kde-runtime -
KDE Runtime
kde-settings -
Config files for kde
kde-workspace -
KDE Workspace
kdeartwork -
Additional artwork for KDE
kdegames -
KDE Games
kdegraphics-strigi-analyzer -
Strigi analyzers for various graphic types
kdegraphics-thumbnailers -
Thumbnailers for various graphic types
kdelibs -
KDE Libraries
kdepim -
KDE PIM (Personal Information Manager) applications
kdepim-runtime -
KDE PIM Runtime Environment
kdepimlibs -
KDE PIM Libraries
kdeplasma-addons -
Additional plasmoids for KDE
kdesdk-thumbnailers -
Thumbnailers for KDE
kdiamond -
A three-in-a-row game
kdnssd -
KDE Network Monitor for DNS-SD services (Zeroconf)
kfourinline -
A four-in-a-row game
kgeography -
Geography Trainer
kget -
Download manager
kgoldrunner -
A game of action and puzzle solving
kgpg -
Manage GPG encryption keys
khangman -
Hangman game
kig -
Interactive Geometry
kigo -
Go Board game
killbots -
A simple game of evading killer robots
kio-upnp-ms -
UPnP mediaserver kio slave
kiriki -
A dice game
kiten -
Japanese Reference/Study Tool
kjumpingcube -
Territory capture game
klettres -
Learn the alphabet and read some syllables in different languages
klickety -
Destroy groups of blocks
klines -
Color lines game
kmag -
A screen magnifier
kmahjongg -
A tile matching game
kmines -
A classic Minesweeper game
kmix -
KDE volume control
kmousetool -
A program that clicks the mouse for you
kmouth -
A program that speaks for you
kmplot -
Mathematical Function Plotter
knavalbattle -
A ship sinking game
knetwalk -
Network construction game
kolf -
A miniature golf game
kollision -
A simple ball dodging game
kolourpaint -
An easy-to-use paint program
konquest -
Galactic conquest game
konsole -
KDE Terminal emulator
kpat -
A selection of solitaire card games
kreversi -
Reversi board game
kross-interpreters -
Kross interpreters
kruler -
A screen ruler and color measurement tool
kscd -
CD Player
kscreen -
KDE Display Management software
kshisen -
Shisen-Sho Mahjongg-like tile game
ksirk -
Conquer-the-world strategy game
ksnakeduel -
Snake duel game
ksnapshot -
A screen capture utility
kspaceduel -
Space arcade game
ksquares -
Connect the dots to create squares
kstars -
Desktop Planetarium
ksudoku -
A logic-based symbol placement puzzle
ktorrent -
A BitTorrent program
ktouch -
Touch Typing Tutor
ktuberling -
Picture game for children
kturtle -
Educational Programming Environment
kubrick -
Puzzle cube solving game
kwallet -
Manage KDE passwords
kwebkitpart -
A KPart based on QtWebKit
kwordquiz -
Flash Card Trainer
kxml -
Small XML pull parser
lcms2 -
Color Management Engine
lensfun -
Library to rectify defects introduced by photographic lenses
libQtGTL -
Qt bindings for OpenGTL
libestr -
String handling essentials library
libev -
High-performance event loop/event model with lots of features
libgusb -
GLib wrapper around libusb1
libical -
Reference implementation of the iCalendar data type and serialization format
libkcddb -
CDDB retrieval library
libkcompactdisc -
A KDE compact disc library
libkdcraw -
A C++ interface around LibRaw library
libkdeedu -
Libraries used by KDE Education applications
libkdegames -
Common code and data for many KDE games
libkexiv2 -
An Exiv2 wrapper library
libkfbapi -
A library for accessing Facebook services
libkipi -
Common plugin infrastructure for KDE image applications
libkmahjongg -
Common code, backgrounds and tile sets for games using Mahjongg tiles
libkolab -
Kolab Object Handling Library
libksane -
SANE Library interface for KDE
libkscreen -
Display configuration library
libktorrent -
Library providing torrent downloading code
liblastfm -
Libraries to integrate Last.fm services
libmatekbd -
Libraries for mate kbd
libmatekeyring -
Framework for managing passwords and other secrets
libmateweather -
Libraries to allow MATE Desktop to display weather information
libmbim -
Support library for the Mobile Broadband Interface Model protocol
libmygpo-qt -
Qt Library that wraps the gpodder.net Web API
libntlm -
NTLMv1 authentication library
libopenraw -
Decode camera RAW files
libpinyin -
Library to deal with pinyin
libquvi -
A cross-platform library for parsing flash media stream
libquvi-scripts -
Embedded lua scripts that libquvi uses for parsing the media details
libqzeitgeist -
Qt Zeitgeist Library
libreadline-java -
Java wrapper for the EditLine library
libsecret -
Library for storing and retrieving passwords and other secrets
libserf -
High-Performance Asynchronous HTTP Client Library
libtomcrypt -
A comprehensive, portable cryptographic toolkit
libtommath -
A portable number theoretic multiple-precision integer library
libvdpau -
Wrapper library for the Video Decode and Presentation API
libverto -
Main loop abstraction library
libzapojit -
GLib/GObject wrapper for the SkyDrive and Hotmail REST APIs
libzip -
C library for reading, creating, and modifying zip archives
liferea -
An RSS/RDF feed reader
lightdm -
Lightweight Display Manager
lightdm-gtk -
LightDM GTK+ Greeter
lightdm-kde -
LightDM KDE Greeter
lightsoff -
GNOME Lightsoff game
log4j -
Java logging package
lskat -
A fun and engaging card game
lua-lgi -
Lua bindings to GObject libraries
marble -
Virtual globe and world atlas
marisa -
Static and spece-efficient trie data structure library
mate-applets -
MATE Desktop panel applets
mate-backgrounds -
MATE Desktop backgrounds
mate-calc -
MATE Desktop calculator
mate-control-center -
MATE Desktop control-center
mate-desktop -
Shared code for mate-panel, mate-session, mate-file-manager, etc
mate-dialogs -
Displays dialog boxes from shell scripts
mate-document-viewer -
Document viewer
mate-file-archiver -
MATE Desktop file archiver
mate-file-manager-image-converter -
MATE file manager image converter
mate-file-manager-sendto -
MATE file manager send to
mate-icon-theme -
Icon theme for MATE Desktop
mate-image-viewer -
Eye of MATE image viewer
mate-keyring -
Framework for managing passwords and other secrets
mate-media -
MATE media programs
mate-menu-editor -
MATE Desktop menu editor
mate-menus -
Displays menus for MATE Desktop
mate-netspeed -
MATE netspeed
mate-notification-daemon -
Notification daemon for MATE Desktop
mate-panel -
MATE Desktop panel applets
mate-polkit -
Integrates polkit authentication for MATE desktop
mate-power-manager -
MATE power management service
mate-screensaver -
MATE Screensaver
mate-session-manager -
MATE Desktop session manager
mate-settings-daemon -
MATE Desktop settings daemon
mate-system-monitor -
Process and resource monitor
mate-terminal -
Terminal emulator for MATE
mate-themes -
MATE Desktop themes
mate-utils -
MATE utility programs
mate-window-manager -
MATE Desktop window manager
mathjax -
JavaScript library to render math in the browser
meanwhile -
Lotus Sametime Community Client library
mesa-libGLU -
Mesa libGLU library
mozilla-fira-fonts -
Mozilla's Fira fonts
mph-2b-damase-fonts -
Free font encoding many non-Latin scripts
nemo-extensions -
Extensions for Nemo
nepomuk-core -
Nepomuk Core utilities and libraries
nepomuk-widgets -
Nepomuk Widgets
okteta -
Binary/hex editor
okular -
A document viewer
Collada 3D import and export libraries
opendyslexic-fonts -
Font designed for dyslexics and high readability
openjpeg -
JPEG 2000 command line tools
overpass-fonts -
Typeface based on the U.S. interstate highway road signage type system
oxygen-icon-theme -
Oxygen icon theme
p11-kit -
Library for loading and sharing PKCS#11 modules
packagedb-cli -
A CLI for pkgdb
palapeli -
A jigsaw puzzle game
pangox-compat -
Compatibility library for pangox
parley -
Vocabulary Trainer
perl-BSD-Resource -
BSD process resource limit and priority functions
perl-EV -
Wrapper for the libev high-performance event loop library
perl-Reaper -
Support for reaping child processes via $SIG{CHLD}
perltidy -
Tool for indenting and reformatting Perl scripts
phonon -
Multimedia framework api
phonon-backend-gstreamer -
Gstreamer phonon backend
picmi -
A nonogram logic game
polkit-kde -
PolicyKit integration for KDE Desktop
polkit-pkla-compat -
Rules for polkit to add compatibility with pklocalauthority
polkit-qt -
Qt bindings for PolicyKit
pulseaudio -
Improved Linux Sound Server
pykde4 -
Python bindings for KDE4
pyliblzma -
Python bindings for lzma
pypoppler -
Python bindings for the Poppler PDF rendering library
python-backports -
Namespace for backported Python features
python-backports-ssl_match_hostname -
The ssl.match_hostname() function from Python 3
python-di -
Python library for dependency injection support
python-ntplib -
Python module that offers a simple interface to query NTP servers
python-pillow -
Python image processing library
python-requests -
HTTP library, written in Python, for human beings
python-smmap -
Sliding window memory map manager
python-twisted-core -
Asynchronous networking framework written in Python
python-urllib3 -
Python HTTP library with thread-safe connection pooling and file post
qaccessibilityclient -
Accessibility client library for Qt
qrencode -
Generate QR 2D barcodes
qt-gstreamer -
C++ bindings for GStreamer with a Qt-style API
qtwebkit -
Qt WebKit bindings
quadrapassel -
GNOME Quadrapassel game
raptor2 -
RDF Parser Toolkit for Redland
razorqt -
Lightweight desktop toolbox
realmd -
Kerberos realm enrollment service
relaxngDatatype -
rocs -
Graph Theory IDE
rpmdevtools -
RPM Development Tools
rubypick -
Stub to allow choosing Ruby runtime
sbc -
Sub Band Codec used by bluetooth A2DP
shapelib -
C library for handling ESRI Shapefiles
shim -
First-stage UEFI bootloader
shim-signed -
First-stage UEFI bootloader
sil-abyssinica-fonts -
SIL Abyssinica fonts
soprano -
Qt wrapper API to different RDF storage solutions
stax2-api -
Experimental API extending basic StAX implementation
step -
Interactive Physics Simulator
stoken -
Token code generator compatible with RSA SecurID 128-bit (AES) token
swell-foop -
GNOME colored tiles puzzle game
system-config-language -
A graphical interface for modifying the system language
systemd -
A System and Service Manager
taglib -
Audio Meta-Data Library
tali -
GNOME Tali game
trabajo-fonts -
Latin Serif font that supports Shavian alphabet
virtuoso-opensource -
A high-performance object-relational SQL database
webrtc-audio-processing -
Library for echo cancellation
woodstox-core -
High-performance XML processor
ws-jaxme -
Open source implementation of JAXB
wsdl4j -
Web Services Description Language Toolkit for Java
xmlrpc -
Java XML-RPC implementation
xmonad -
A tiling window manager
xpp3 -
XML Pull Parser
yaml-cpp03 -
A YAML parser and emitter for C++
zeitgeist -
Framework providing Desktop activity awareness