Letter E
Packages beginning with letter "E".
- e2fsprogs - Utilities for managing ext2, ext3, and ext4 filesystems
- e_dbus - Wrappers around D-Bus for EFL based applications
- easymock - Easy mock objects
- ebook-tools - Tools for accessing and converting various ebook file formats
- ebtables - Ethernet Bridge frame table administration tool
- eclipse - An open, extensible IDE
- eclipse-cdt - Eclipse C/C++ Development Tools (CDT) plugin
- eclipse-collabnet-merge - CollabNet Merge Client for Subclipse
- eclipse-dtp - Eclipse Data Tools Platform
- eclipse-ecf - Eclipse Communication Framework
- eclipse-egit - Eclipse Git Integration
- eclipse-emf - Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) Eclipse plugin
- eclipse-fedorapackager - Fedora Packager for Eclipse
- eclipse-gef - Graphical Editing Framework (GEF) Eclipse plugin
- eclipse-jgit - Eclipse JGit
- eclipse-linuxtools - Linux specific Eclipse plugins
- eclipse-mpc - Eclipse Marketplace Client
- eclipse-mylyn - Eclipse Mylyn main feature.
- eclipse-nls - Babel language packs for the Eclipse platform and various plug-ins
- eclipse-p2-discovery - Equinox p2 Discovery
- eclipse-packagekit - PackageKit integration tools for Eclipse (Incubation)
- eclipse-ptp - Eclipse Parallel Tools Platform
- eclipse-pydev - Eclipse Python development plug-in
- eclipse-rse - Eclipse Remote System Explorer
- eclipse-subclipse - Subversion Eclipse plugin
- ecolier-court-fonts - Schoolchildren cursive fonts
- ecore - Event/X abstraction layer
- ed - The GNU line editor
- edje - Abstract GUI layout and animation object library
- eet - Library for speedy data storage, retrieval, and compression
- eeze - Device abstraction library
- efibootmgr - EFI Boot Manager
- efont-unicode-bdf - Unicode font by Electronic Font Open Laboratory
- efreet - Standards handling for freedesktop.org standards
- eio - Extension of ecore for parallel io operations
- elementary - Basic widget set that is easy to use based on EFL
- elfutils - A collection of utilities and DSOs to handle compiled objects
- elinks - A text-mode Web browser
- emacs - GNU Emacs text editor
- embryo - Shared libraries for Enlightenment
- emotion - Media Library for EFL
- empathy - Instant Messaging Client for GNOME
- enblend - Image Blending with Multiresolution Splines
- enca - Character set analyzer and detector
- enchant - An Enchanting Spell Checking Library
- enlightenment - Enlightenment window manager
- entangle - Tethered shooting & control of digital cameras
- environment-modules - Provides dynamic modification of a user's environment
- eog - Eye of GNOME image viewer
- epiphany - Web browser for GNOME
- espeak - Software speech synthesizer (text-to-speech)
- ethtool - Settings tool for Ethernet NICs
- ethumb - Thumbnail generation library for EFL
- etoys - A media-rich model, game, and simulation construction kit and authoring tool
- evas - Hardware-accelerated state-aware canvas API
- evas-generic-loaders - Set of generic loaders for Evas
- evince - Document viewer
- evolution - Mail and calendar client for GNOME
- evolution-data-server - Backend data server for Evolution
- evolution-ews - Evolution extension for Exchange Web Services
- exempi - Library for easy parsing of XMP metadata
- exiv2 - Exif and Iptc metadata manipulation library
- exo - Application library for the Xfce desktop environment
- expat - An XML parser library
- extremetuxracer - 3D racing game featuring Tux