system environment/base

passwdqc - A password/passphrase strength checking and policy enforcement toolset

License: BSD and Public Domain and Copyright only
Vendor: Fedora Project
passwdqc is a password/passphrase strength checking and policy
enforcement toolset, including a PAM module (pam_passwdqc), command-line
programs (pwqcheck and pwqgen), and a library (libpasswdqc).

pam_passwdqc is normally invoked on password changes by programs such as
passwd(1).  It is capable of checking password or passphrase strength,
enforcing a policy, and offering randomly-generated passphrases, with
all of these features being optional and easily (re-)configurable.

pwqcheck and pwqgen are standalone password/passphrase strength checking
and random passphrase generator programs, respectively, which are usable
from scripts.

libpasswdqc is the underlying library, which may also be used from
third-party programs.


passwdqc-1.3.0-1.fc20.src [61 KiB] Changelog by Avesh Agarwal (2013-07-29):
- New upstream release
- Fixes 815504

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.6-5.fc20