system environment/base

initscripts - The inittab file and the /etc/init.d scripts

License: GPLv2 and GPLv2+
Vendor: Fedora Project
The initscripts package contains the basic system scripts used to boot
your Red Hat or Fedora system, change runlevels, and shut the system down
cleanly.  Initscripts also contains the scripts that activate and
deactivate most network interfaces.


initscripts-9.50-1.fc20.src [1.1 MiB] Changelog by Lukas Nykryn (2013-09-03):
- ipcalc: support RFC3021 (#997271)
- symlink /etc/sysctl.conf -> /etc/sysctl.d/
- man: only action specified in LSB are redirected to systemd
- service: filter actions that are not supported by systemctl in service (#947823)
- install_bonding_driver: drop check for existing device (#991335)
- consider IPV6INIT undefined as YES
- don't care about network filesystems

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.6-5.fc20