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bodhi -
A modular framework that facilitates publishing software updates
clamz -
Amazon Downloader
claws-mail -
Email client and news reader based on GTK+
curl -
A utility for getting files from remote servers (FTP, HTTP, and others)
dillo -
Very small and fast GUI web browser
elinks -
A text-mode Web browser
epiphany -
Web browser for GNOME
fedora-bookmarks -
Fedora bookmarks
filezilla -
FTP, FTPS and SFTP client
finger -
The finger client
firefox -
Mozilla Firefox Web browser
fpaste -
A simple tool for pasting info onto sticky notes instances
ftp -
The standard UNIX FTP (File Transfer Protocol) client
hexchat -
A popular and easy to use graphical IRC (chat) client
icedtea-web -
Additional Java components for OpenJDK - Java browser plug-in and Web Start implementation
jwhois -
Internet whois/nicname client
konversation -
A user friendly IRC client
ksshaskpass -
A KDE version of ssh-askpass with KWallet support
lftp -
A sophisticated file transfer program
links -
Web browser running in both graphics and text mode
lynx -
A text-based Web browser
mailx -
Enhanced implementation of the mailx command
midori -
A lightweight GTK+ web browser
mozilla-filesystem -
Mozilla filesytem layout
mtr -
A network diagnostic tool
ncftp -
Improved console FTP client
openconnect -
Open client for Cisco AnyConnect VPN
openssh -
An open source implementation of SSH protocol versions 1 and 2
openvpn -
A full-featured SSL VPN solution
pidgin -
A Gtk+ based multiprotocol instant messaging client
pptp -
Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP) Client
remmina -
Remote Desktop Client
rsh -
Clients for remote access commands (rsh, rlogin, rcp)
rsync -
A program for synchronizing files over a network
socat -
Bidirectional data relay between two data channels ('netcat++')
stunnel -
An SSL-encrypting socket wrapper
sylpheed -
GTK+ based, lightweight, and fast email client
talk -
Talk client for one-on-one Internet chatting
tcpdump -
A network traffic monitoring tool
telnet -
The client program for the Telnet remote login protocol
thunderbird -
Mozilla Thunderbird mail/newsgroup client
traceroute -
Traces the route taken by packets over an IPv4/IPv6 network
transmission -
A lightweight GTK+ BitTorrent client
vpnc -
IPSec VPN client compatible with Cisco equipment
w3m -
A pager with Web browsing abilities
webalizer -
A flexible Web server log file analysis program
wget -
A utility for retrieving files using the HTTP or FTP protocols
xulrunner -
XUL Runtime for Gecko Applications