user interface/desktops
- bluecurve-icon-theme - Bluecurve icon theme
- compiz - OpenGL window and compositing manager
- control-center - GNOME Control Center
- echo-icon-theme - Echo icon theme
- eog - Eye of GNOME image viewer
- extragear-plasma - Additional plasmoids for KDE
- fedora-gnome-theme - Fedora GNOME theme
- fedora-icon-theme - Fedora icon theme
- fedora-screensaver-theme - Fedora screensaver theme
- fedorainfinity-screensaver-theme - Fedora Infinity screensaver theme
- fedorawaves-kdm-theme - Fedora Waves KDM theme
- gnome-applets - Small applications for the GNOME panel
- gnome-icon-theme - Base gnome icons
- gnome-netstatus - Network status applet
- gnome-panel - GNOME panel
- gnome-session - GNOME session manager
- gnome-terminal - GNOME Terminal
- gnome-themes - Themes collection for GNOME
- hicolor-icon-theme - Basic requirement for icon themes
- kde-i18n - Internationalization support for KDE3
- kde-l10n - Internationalization support for KDE
- kdeaccessibility - K Desktop Environment - Accessibility
- kdeartwork - Additional artwork (themes, sound themes, ...) for KDE
- kdebase - K Desktop Environment 4 - Core Files
- kdebase-runtime - K Desktop Environment - Runtime
- kdebase-workspace - K Desktop Environment - Workspace
- kdebase3 - K Desktop Environment 3 - core files
- kdebase4 - K Desktop Environment 4 - Core Files
- kdesdk - The KDE Software Development Kit (SDK)
- metacity - Metacity window manager
- mousetweaks - Mouse accessibility support for the GNOME desktop
- nautilus - Nautilus is a file manager for GNOME
- nautilus-cd-burner - Easy to use CD burning for Gnome
- nautilus-sendto - Nautilus context menu for sending files
- orca - Flexible, extensible, and powerful assistive technology
- rdesktop - X client for remote desktop into Windows Terminal Server
- redhat-menus - Configuration and data files for the desktop menus
- tomboy - Tomboy is a desktop note-taking application for Linux and Unix
- vino - A remote desktop system for GNOME
- vnc - A remote display system
- xdg-user-dirs - Handles user special directories
- xdg-user-dirs-gtk - Gnome integration of special directories