Letter P
Packages beginning with letter "P".
- PackageKit - System daemon that is a DBUS abstraction layer for package management
- PolicyKit - Authorization Toolkit
- PolicyKit-gnome - PolicyKit integration for the GNOME desktop
- PyOpenGL - Python bindings for OpenGL
- PyQt4 - Python bindings for Qt4
- pakchois - A wrapper library for PKCS#11
- paktype-fonts - Fonts for Arabic from PakType
- pam - A security tool which provides authentication for applications
- pam_ccreds - Pam module to cache login credentials
- pam_krb5 - A Pluggable Authentication Module for Kerberos 5.
- pam_passwdqc - Pluggable password quality-control module.
- pam_pkcs11 - PKCS #11/NSS PAM login module
- pam_smb - A Pluggable Authentication Module (PAM) for use with SMB servers.
- pango - System for layout and rendering of internationalized text
- paps - Plain Text to PostScript converter
- parted - The GNU disk partition manipulation program
- passivetex - Macros to process XSL formatting objects
- passwd - The passwd utility for setting/changing passwords using PAM
- patch - The GNU patch command, for modifying/upgrading files
- patchutils - A collection of programs for manipulating patch files
- pavucontrol - Volume control for PulseAudio
- pax - POSIX File System Archiver
- pciutils - PCI bus related utilities
- pcmciautils - PCMCIA utilities and initialization programs
- pcre - Perl-compatible regular expression library
- pcsc-lite - PC/SC Lite smart card framework and applications
- perl - The Perl programming language
- perl-AppConfig - Perl module for reading configuration files
- perl-Archive-Tar - A module for Perl manipulation of .tar files
- perl-Archive-Zip - Perl library for accessing Zip archives
- perl-BSD-Resource - BSD process resource limit and priority functions
- perl-Cache-Cache - Generic cache interface and implementations
- perl-Class-Container - Class::Container Perl module
- perl-Class-Data-Inheritable - Inheritable, overridable class data
- perl-Class-Singleton - Implementation of a "Singleton" class
- perl-Compress-Zlib - A module providing Perl interfaces to the zlib compression library
- perl-Convert-ASN1 - ASN.1 Encode/Decode library
- perl-DBD-MySQL - A MySQL interface for perl
- perl-DBD-Pg - A PostgreSQL interface for perl
- perl-DBI - A database access API for perl
- perl-Date-Manip - A Perl module containing a wide variety of date manipulation routines
- perl-DateTime - Date and time objects
- perl-DateTime-Format-Mail - Convert between DateTime and RFC2822/822 formats
- perl-DateTime-Format-W3CDTF - Parse and format W3CDTF datetime strings
- perl-Devel-StackTrace - Perl module implementing stack trace and stack trace frame objects
- perl-Digest-HMAC - Digest-HMAC Perl module
- perl-Digest-SHA1 - Digest-SHA1 Perl module
- perl-Error - Error/exception handling in an OO-ish way
- perl-Exception-Class - Exception::Class Perl module
- perl-ExtUtils-ParseXS - Module and a script for converting Perl XS code into C code
- perl-File-MMagic - A Perl module emulating the file(1) command
- perl-File-RsyncP - A perl implementation of an Rsync client
- perl-HTML-Mason - Powerful Perl-based web site development and delivery engine
- perl-HTML-Parser - Perl module for parsing HTML
- perl-HTML-Tagset - HTML::Tagset - data tables useful in parsing HTML
- perl-HTTP-BrowserDetect - Determine the Web browser, version, and platform from an HTTP user agent string
- perl-IO-All - IO::All Perl module
- perl-IO-Compress-Base - Base Class for IO::Compress modules
- perl-IO-Compress-Zlib - Perl interface to allow reading and writing of gzip and zip data
- perl-IO-Socket-INET6 - Perl Object interface for AF_INET|AF_INET6 domain sockets
- perl-IO-Socket-SSL - Perl library for transparent SSL
- perl-IO-String - Emulate file interface for in-core strings
- perl-IO-Zlib - Perl IO:: style interface to Compress::Zlib
- perl-IPC-Cmd - Finding and running system commands made easy
- perl-IPC-ShareLite - Light-weight interface to shared memory
- perl-Kwiki - Kwiki Wiki Building Framework
- perl-Locale-Maketext-Lexicon - Extract translatable strings from source
- perl-Locale-Maketext-Simple - Simple interface to Locale::Maketext::Lexicon
- perl-Module-Load - Runtime require of both modules and files
- perl-Module-Load-Conditional - Looking up module information / loading at runtime
- perl-Module-Pluggable - Automatically give your module the ability to have plugins
- perl-Net-DNS - DNS resolver modules for Perl
- perl-Net-SSLeay - Perl extension for using OpenSSL
- perl-Newt - Perl bindings for the Newt library
- perl-Params-Check - Generic input parsing/checking mechanism
- perl-Params-Validate - Params-Validate Perl module
- perl-Pod-Escapes - Perl module for resolving POD escape sequences
- perl-Pod-POM - Object-oriented interface to Perl POD documents
- perl-Pod-Simple - Framework for parsing POD documentation
- perl-SGMLSpm - Perl library for parsing the output of nsgmls
- perl-Socket6 - IPv6 related part of the C socket.h defines and structure manipulators
- perl-Spiffy - Framework for doing object oriented (OO) programming in Perl
- perl-Spoon - Spiffy Application Building Framework
- perl-String-CRC32 - Perl interface for cyclic redundancy check generation
- perl-TeX-Hyphen - Hyphenate words using TeX's patterns
- perl-Template-Toolkit - Template processing system
- perl-Text-Autoformat - Automatic text wrapping and reformatting
- perl-Text-Kakasi - Kakasi library module for perl
- perl-Text-Reform - Manual text wrapping and reformatting
- perl-Time-modules - Perl modules for parsing dates and times
- perl-URI - A Perl module implementing URI parsing and manipulation
- perl-XML-DOM - DOM extension to XML::Parser
- perl-XML-Parser - A low level Perl module for parsing XML either via trees or streaming
- perl-XML-RSS - Perl module for managing RDF Site Summary (RSS) files
- perl-XML-RegExp - Regular expressions for XML tokens
- perl-gettext - Interface to gettext family of functions
- perl-libwww-perl - A Perl interface to the World-Wide Web
- php - The PHP HTML-embedded scripting language
- php-pecl-apc - APC caches and optimizes PHP intermediate code
- phpldapadmin - Web-based tool for managing LDAP servers
- pidgin - A Gtk+ based multiprotocol instant messaging client
- pilot-link - File transfer utilities between Linux and PalmPilots
- pinentry - Collection of simple PIN or passphrase entry dialogs
- pinfo - An info file viewer
- pixman - Pixel manipulation library
- pkgconfig - A tool for determining compilation options
- planner - A graphical project management tool
- plexus-ant-factory - Plexus Ant component factory
- plexus-archiver - Plexus Archiver Component
- plexus-bsh-factory - Plexus Bsh component factory
- plexus-compiler - Compiler call initiators for Plexus
- plexus-container-default - Default Plexus Container
- plexus-i18n - Plexus I18N Component
- plexus-interactivity - Plexus Interactivity Handler Component
- plexus-utils - Plexus Common Utilities
- plexus-velocity - Plexus Velocity Component
- pm-utils - Power management utilities and scripts for Fedora
- pmd - Scans Java source code and looks for potential problems
- policycoreutils - SELinux policy core utilities
- poppler - PDF rendering library
- popt - C library for parsing command line parameters
- postfix - Postfix Mail Transport Agent
- postgresql - PostgreSQL client programs and libraries
- ppp - The PPP (Point-to-Point Protocol) daemon.
- prctl - Utility to perform process operations
- procmail - The procmail mail processing program
- procps - System and process monitoring utilities
- psacct - Utilities for monitoring process activities
- psmisc - Utilities for managing processes on your system
- psutils - PostScript Utilities
- pth - The GNU Portable Threads library
- pulseaudio - Improved Linux sound server
- pycairo - Python bindings for the cairo library
- pygobject2 - Python bindings for GObject
- pygpgme - Python module for working with OpenPGP messages
- pygtk2 - Python bindings for GTK+
- pygtkglext - Python bindings for GtkGLExt
- pygtksourceview - Python bindings for gtksourceview
- pykickstart - A python library for manipulating kickstart files
- pyorbit - Python bindings for ORBit2.
- pyparted - Python module for GNU parted
- python - An interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programming language.
- python-crypto - Cryptography library for Python
- python-genshi - Toolkit for stream-based generation of output for the web
- python-imaging - Python's own image processing library
- python-iniparse - Python Module for Accessing and Modifying Configuration Data in INI files
- python-ldap - An object-oriented API to access LDAP directory servers.
- python-numeric - Numerical Extension to Python
- python-paste - Tools for using a Web Server Gateway Interface stack
- python-pyblock - Python modules for dealing with block devices
- python-reportlab - Python PDF generation library
- python-setuptools - Download, build, install, upgrade, and uninstall Python packages
- python-sexy - Python bindings to libsexy
- python-urlgrabber - A high-level cross-protocol url-grabber
- python-virtinst - Python modules for starting Xen guest installations
- pyxdg - Python library to access freedesktop.org standards
- pyxf86config - Python wrappers for libxf86config