x3270-x11 - IBM 3278/3279 terminal emulator for the X Window System


The x3270 program opens a window in the X Window System which emulates
the actual look of an IBM 3278/3279 terminal, commonly used with
mainframe applications.  x3270 also allows you to telnet to an IBM
host from the x3270 window.

Install the x3270-x11 package if you need to access IBM hosts using an IBM
3278/3279 terminal emulator from X11.

Homepage: http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Peaks/7814

License: MIT

Vendor: Fedora Project


x3270-x11-3.3.6-2.fc8.ppc [442 KiB] Changelog by Karsten Hopp (2007-08-21):
- drop chkfontpath dependency (#252274)