KDE Software Compilation
The KDE SC includes the KDE Plasma Desktop, a highly-configurable graphical user interface which includes a panel, desktop, system icons and desktop widgets, and many powerful KDE applications.
- PackageKit-gstreamer-plugin - Install GStreamer codecs using PackageKit
- abrt-desktop - Virtual package to install all necessary packages for usage from desktop environment
- amarok - Media player
- apper - KDE interface for PackageKit
- ark - Archive manager
- bluedevil - Bluetooth stack for KDE
- cagibi - SSDP (UPnP discovery) cache/proxy daemon
- cups-pk-helper - A helper that makes system-config-printer use PolicyKit
- dejavu-sans-fonts - Variable-width sans-serif font faces
- dejavu-sans-mono-fonts - Monospace sans-serif font faces
- dejavu-serif-fonts - Variable-width serif font faces
- digikam - A digital camera accessing & photo management application
- gstreamer-plugins-good - GStreamer plug-ins with good code and licensing
- gwenview - An image viewer
- ibus-qt - Qt IBus library and Qt input method plugin
- imsettings-qt - Qt support on imsettings
- k3b - CD/DVD/Blu-ray burning application
- kamera - Digital camera support for KDE
- kamoso - Application for taking pictures and videos from a webcam
- kcalc - Scientific Calculator
- kcharselect - Character selector
- kcm-gtk - Configure the appearance of GTK apps in KDE
- kcm_touchpad - Synaptics driver based touchpads kcontrol module
- kcolorchooser - A color chooser
- kde-baseapps - KDE Core Applications
- kde-plasma-networkmanagement - NetworkManager KDE 4 integration
- kde-plasma-networkmanagement-openconnect - OpenConnect support for kde-plasma-networkmanagement
- kde-plasma-networkmanagement-openvpn - OpenVPN support for kde-plasma-networkmanagement
- kde-plasma-networkmanagement-pptp - PPTP support for kde-plasma-networkmanagement
- kde-plasma-networkmanagement-vpnc - Vpnc support for kde-plasma-networkmanagement
- kde-printer-applet - KDE printer applet
- kde-runtime - KDE Runtime
- kde-settings-pulseaudio - Enable pulseaudio support in KDE
- kde-workspace - KDE Workspace
- kdeaccessibility - KDE Accessibility
- kdeartwork-screensavers - screensavers for KDE
- kdegames - KDE Games
- kdegraphics-strigi-analyzer - Strigi analyzers for various graphic types
- kdegraphics-thumbnailers - Thumbnailers for various graphic types
- kdelibs - KDE Libraries
- kdemultimedia-dragonplayer - Video player
- kdemultimedia-kmix - Sound mixer
- kdenetwork-kdnssd - Kdnssd
- kdenetwork-kget - A downloader manager
- kdenetwork-krdc - A client for Desktop Sharing and other VNC servers
- kdenetwork-krfb - Desktop Sharing server, allow others to access your desktop via VNC
- kdepim - KDE PIM (Personal Information Manager) applications
- kdeplasma-addons - Additional plasmoids for KDE
- kdm - The KDE login manager
- kgpg - Manage GPG encryption keys
- kipi-plugins - Plugins to use with Kipi
- kolourpaint - An easy-to-use paint program
- konversation - A user friendly IRC client
- kruler - A screen ruler and color measurement tool
- krusader - An advanced twin-panel (commander-style) file-manager for KDE
- ksnapshot - A screen capture utility
- ksshaskpass - A KDE version of ssh-askpass with KWallet support
- ksysguard - KDE System Monitor
- ktorrent - A BitTorrent program
- ktp-accounts-kcm - KDE Configuration Module for Telepathy Instant Messaging Accounts
- ktp-approver - KDE Channel Approver for Telepathy
- ktp-auth-handler - Provide UI/KWallet Integration
- ktp-contact-applet - Telepathy contact plasmoid
- ktp-contact-list - Telepathy contact list application
- ktp-filetransfer-handler - Telepathy file transfer handler
- ktp-kded-integration-module - KDE integration for telepathy
- ktp-presence-applet - Plasma applet for managing your Telepathy account presence
- ktp-send-file - A File manager plugin to launch file transfer jobs
- ktp-text-ui - Telepathy text chat handler
- kwallet - Manage KDE passwords
- kwebkitpart - A KPart based on QtWebKit
- okular - A document viewer
- oxygen-gtk - Oxygen GTK theme
- phonon-backend-gstreamer - Gstreamer phonon backend
- pinentry-qt - Passphrase/PIN entry dialog based on Qt4
- plasma-scriptengine-python - Plasma scriptengine for python
- scribus - DeskTop Publishing application written in Qt
- system-config-date - A graphical interface for modifying system date and time
- system-config-firewall - A graphical interface for basic firewall setup
- system-config-printer-kde - A printer administration tool for KDE
- system-config-services - Utility to start and stop system services
- xorg-x11-apps - X.Org X11 applications
- xsettings-kde - XSettings Daemon for KDE
- xterm - Terminal emulator for the X Window System